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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

My Son

Today is my son's ninth birthday. I cannot believe how fast the time is passing. Nine years ago today, I was in California and he did not want to come out. Eight years ago he was playing with the ice in the ice chest and ignoring all of his party (the Pooh cake, balloons and friends) except the ice and his AhBaBa. Seven years ago he was active and chubby boy who loved to play (especially with trains). Six years ago he wanted a real baby sister and a ride on the construction truck. Five years ago he got the sister he prayed for and a Star Wars party with "yots of Yegos" to play with. Four years ago he was more excited about starting kindergarten and living close to Nanny and AhBaBa than he was about his birthday. Three years ago, he had his first "boys only" party at the park. Two years ago, he was reading, playing and wanted to spend the day at the zoo. Last year CP celebrated his birthday early by a long awaited trip to Yellowstone and his first real horseback ride. Today he is playing with his sister, eating his favorite breakfast (Daddy's waffles) and still loves to snuggles. He also enjoys swimming, playing his new Game Cube, Star Wars, Legos and playing with his friends. He worries about doing well in school (he is great at school), trying new things and when people are hurt (physically and emotionally. He is a great brother, mathematician, and example to others. I am proud of my son!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the wonderful gift of Christopher Paul. Please guide, gaurd and direct his precious soul. I know you have plans for him, please help him do your will.


P.S. to Squirt: I will try not to have nine days between posts.


At July 5, 2004 at 8:52 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

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At July 5, 2004 at 8:54 AM, Blogger Robyn said...

Thank you Mom! Love, Christopher Paul


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