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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Forever or Whatever?!

Well-J Lo has done it again--gotten married! Normally I would not pay much attention to this, but lately it seems that marriage is becoming more disposable. Celebs are marrying and divorcing at rapid pace, people I know are divorcing and my children are noticing and asking questions about people "splitting up." Now I am not crazy enough to think I can understand anyone else's marriage. I do know a small amount about marriage--Paul and I just celebrated sixteen years of marriage last month--but not enough to diagnose other people solutions to marital strife. I do know that too many people are willing to throw away marriages and commitments and this is not what I want my children to do. We have marriages made on tv program (The Bachelor), marriages that are called "starter marriages," and marriages that are open. What children need to see are marriages that are loving, marriages that are teamwork and marriages that are not perfect, but committed.

Dear Father,
Thank you for your examples of how marriage is supposed to work. Please provide protection over marriages. Please help us all to be true to our commitments. Amen


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