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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Father's Day

What a day! Our family spent the morning worshipping our Heavenly Father, then we was time to celebrate the men in our lives then ended it with prayer.

Yesterday it was a great glimpse into the future as I watched four generations of men play and pray together. It is incredible to see my PaPa, my dad, my husband and brother in law, and my son and nephew all together. Playing in the pool, I realized how blessed we are to be able to spend time together and enjoy one another. To the men in my life THANK YOU! To the ladies--we are truly blessed to have such wonderful guys!

Dear God,

Thank you for being our father and for giving our family men who follow your example of what a father should be. Please be with our little boys as they become fathers and help them to keep your legacy as a priority in their lives.



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