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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Let Freedom Ring

Happy Fourth of July! I know I am blessed to have been born in the USA. I know I am fortunate to be a woman in America. I love America! This day I decked my family in red, white and blue and we proudly flew our flag--but why did it take me by surprise when someone in church said thank you God for the real freedom we have gained through Jesus Christ??!!

As odd as it sounds, I have always grimaced when someone talked of our forefather's religious intent, about being God's nation and when patriotic songs were sang in the assembly. When I read the writings of our founders, I do not see God's hand in the forefront. I do not think America is God's nation or that we follow his directives and are therefore superior. And although I do not think (with a few rare exceptions) that most hymns about America really put praising God above nationalism. Now don't get me wrong, I love "God Bless America" and "God Bless the USA" can move me greatly and are inspirational, but in my mind have no place in a worship service. But celebrating our freedom in Christ--now that makes me love the 4th of July in a new way.

Happy Birthday USA, but in my soul I am celebrating in a new way--remembering that the freedom that Jesus gave to me--the freedom from sin is the best reason to celebrate my independence. The other stuff is just the icing on the cake!


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