Do you really want my opinion?

A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day and thanks to all those who have given the gift of freedom to us! It is incredible to think of all those who have served our country. I am grateful for your gift to my children and me.

One veteran who served in World War II has given us several very special gifts is my PaPa. PaPa gifts are numerous--his service in the Navy, the way my dad turned out and now his example. You see my grandfather moved to Abilene last year and immersed himself into the lives of this community. He is a great encourager to those at Highland, an ever present fan for any event that my children are involved in, and most importantly, the best example of how a husband should treat his wife. My grandfather takes for better or for worse, in sickness and in health as seriously and as lovingly as anyone I have every seen. My MeMe suffers from severe dementia, yet my PaPa takes care of her, the house, the yard and constantly helps the rest of us out--and also manages to fit in a couple of rounds of golf a week. He has learned to cook, keep house, comb out MeMe's hair, shop for her clothes and always makes sure she has her purse (her comfort item). He never complains, no matter how tired he gets. It is a great honor to salute him on this Memorial Day!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my PaPa. For providing us with an example of what marriage is about. For helping us to remember how important families are and most importantly for letting my children see his life. Please protect his health and keep him from becoming too worn out. Thank you for this wonderful man! Amen

Friday, May 28, 2004

The Swimsuit Dance

Today is the day for the first swim of the season. Unfortunately it begins a new chapter in my life with my daughter--the swimsuit dance. Yes she is only four, but some people just mature more quickly and cause their mama more grief. With my son, it was easy. Swimsuit shopping has been baggy trunks with various characters (Barney to Pokemon') or day glow yellow or orange. No worries about modesty, just coolness quotient. My daughter is already in swimsuit panic. This year's shopping experience was frightening. She wanted a two piece and preferably one that Brittany Spears would wear. Mind you my daughter knows nothing of Brittany except for what her friend Landry from school has shared.

Panic struck my heart as we entered Old Navy!! Much to my surprise, the teenage sales clerk talked her into a mock wetsuit (just like Lizzie McGuire might wear)--thanks Jennifer from Old Navy--and a two piece that even my grandma would approve of (think 1950's). But this was only the first movement of the dance, Next came "Water Day" at the local Pre-K. "Would Landry like my swimsuit?" asked Lauren. "Will it look cool?" I really hoped so. "Will I be pretty?" Well the second act got rave reviews--thank you God! Lauren was pretty, cool and gained Landry's approval. Daughter happy, mom happy and another year that modesty is in!

So now the third act begins. Mom in very frumpy but comfortable swimdress, brother in his orange trunks, daughter in her modest two piece and we are off to the pool! Maybe Paul can do the swimsuit shopping with his daughter next year?

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Summer is here!

Today officially begins summer at our house. YEAH!! I cannot believe in just three short months, my youngest will enter kindergarten and my oldest will no longer be in a primary grade. So instead of worrying, I will enjoy these three months of no schedule, wearing pjs until noon and swimming in the afternoons. I look forward to reading books, making play dough and celebrating my children's birthdays.

Thank you God for allowing me to be home with my kids to watch them grow and learn. Please help me remember how precious these days are--especially when they are fighting with one another. Thanks for blessing us so richly!