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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Whose vacation is VBS really?????

Vacation Bible School is on at Highland. This is my 25th year to help or teach VBS. Each year it gets crazy...planning, recruiting, lots of kids and cool snacks! What kind of vacation is this?????

It is a time when...
-the adults don't have to be so serious at church (example: Grant Boone in Flag pants singing and dancing)
-each class gets to go and play games in the gym every night
-there is much more glitter, glue and sparkles to each craft
-kids are encouraged to be loud
-193 kids get to eat sugar each night
-each kid gets to be a kid and each adult can be a kid too!

Thank you God for all the volunteers and children at VBS. Thank you for the fun, the goodies and the great crafts all in Your Name. Please help us to touch lives. Amen


At July 15, 2004 at 6:48 PM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Grant Boone in flag pants? Well, my stars.


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