Do you really want my opinion?

A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Today did not start out great--no hot water, broken dishwasher and Lauren went to the dentist.  Minor annoyances, but not a great start.  Results:  the plumber got the water heater on track, dishwasher will have to wait until Friday and Lauren has two cavities (like father, like daughter).
Then God reminds us to be thankful.  He provides us with reminders of what heaven will be like:
-the giggles of cousins playing
-a miraculous healing
-cute things said by Lauren
-cooperation between my kids
-a kind gesture
-good iced tea
-a note from a friend
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be not more death, neither sorrow, not crying, neither shall there be any more pain..."  Revelations 21:1
Dear Father,
Thank you for your awesome power and wonderful reminders of how much you love us!  Please be with those who are enduring terrible things and help us overcome the minor annoyances.   May we give You all the glory!    Amen


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