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A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Politicians need to get out of our educational system!

Let me begin by saying I am not a big fan of George W. Bush or John Kerry. W faced tough times and brought us through the tragedy of September 11. Kerry served us during the tragedy of Viet Nam. I have tremendous respect for anyone who makes themselves and their family available as they serve as an elected official. Having said those things, I now must tell you how disappointed I am in the President's new plan for education and the lack of any real direction in education from the other party!

Testing! Testing! Testing! 250 Million dollars for a new test! No Child Left Behind--that is if they can do what we command them to at prescribed times on a test! C'mon--children need health care, childcare and parents who know how to parent. They need instruction at whatever level they are at and educators who help them improve. Children are not interchangeable parts. I am all for accountability. Accountability that takes a child at age 5 and allows each child to reach her full potential. Accountability that makes sure that teachers are qualified and let's them use all of their talents, knowledge and creativity to help their students become life long learners.

What about adult accountability???? We have--
schools that are falling apart
teachers that are poorly compensated
libraries that are closed due to budget cuts (school and city)
schools with little art, P.E. or music,
parental apathy
latch key kids
too much TV
too much pressure to teach to the test
politicians making educational policy--not educators!

I pray that our nation will wake up and make our kids a priority!


At September 3, 2004 at 2:31 PM, Blogger judy thomas said...

Amen, Robyn. The absolute worst people to fix our educational problems are politicians. (both national and state) A town hall full of ordinary but savvy teachers and parents could do more in 30 minutes than politicians can do in 4 years.
The trouble is, especially in Texas, money never follows plans--implementation is always up to the school systems. It seems Texas will always languish in those last few places until voters wake up and realize that children are their most important priority!


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