Do you really want my opinion?

A look at life as seen by a Christian, wife, mom, activist and very opinionated woman.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

A Break

I am taking a break from blogging, e-mails, phones and while I am at it--house cleaning (ha! ha!).  Thanks be to Him who blesses us with times of rest, relaxation and time to just be with Paul and the kids!  Will write more when school begins!  RLW

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Democratic Convention

Various notes on the little I have viewed of the Democratic Convention as someone viewed by someone who is not a Republican and not really a Democratic anymore.

-Should protesters be confined to a fenced in area.  At what point does Freedom of Speech infringe on safety?  I guess at the point that a pro-life, conservative protester was beaten for his beliefs.  The all inclusive party?  Odd, even for the Democratic Convention.
-Clinton receives a huge ovation--does this guy give new meaning to forgive and forget???  I had the affair because I could.  I never had sex with that woman.  It depends what you mean by is.  Amazing!
-Funny hats--where do these people shop????  I have never seen a better viewing of wacky hats and I actually want some of them!
-Elizabeth Edwards--I love her!!!  You gotta like a gal who throws her life toward home and community after tragedy, talks about needing to loose weight and let her preschoolers be themselves.  My favorite moment was when her daughter Emma Claire prances for the camera and her mother rolls her eyes and calmly but firmly ask her daughter to stop being sassy.  When Emma Claire refuses to comply,  Elizabeth gently guides her off camera.  How hard would that be to parent young children with reporters watching your every move--one gutsy mom!
-The 9/11 tribute was amazing!  I hope we never forget all of those who have given their lives for us!

It is going to be a long campaign!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Today did not start out great--no hot water, broken dishwasher and Lauren went to the dentist.  Minor annoyances, but not a great start.  Results:  the plumber got the water heater on track, dishwasher will have to wait until Friday and Lauren has two cavities (like father, like daughter).
Then God reminds us to be thankful.  He provides us with reminders of what heaven will be like:
-the giggles of cousins playing
-a miraculous healing
-cute things said by Lauren
-cooperation between my kids
-a kind gesture
-good iced tea
-a note from a friend
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be not more death, neither sorrow, not crying, neither shall there be any more pain..."  Revelations 21:1
Dear Father,
Thank you for your awesome power and wonderful reminders of how much you love us!  Please be with those who are enduring terrible things and help us overcome the minor annoyances.   May we give You all the glory!    Amen

Monday, July 19, 2004

My Friend

Morning Coffee
Evening Tears
Calls of joy
Hopes, screams and fears
Shopping all day
Laughing all nite
Praying for both of our children in the darkness
Praising them in the light
Laughing, venting, having fun
God made you--very special one!
Dear God,
Thank you for friendship and for trips away from the everyday!  Amen

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Whose vacation is VBS really?????

Vacation Bible School is on at Highland. This is my 25th year to help or teach VBS. Each year it gets crazy...planning, recruiting, lots of kids and cool snacks! What kind of vacation is this?????

It is a time when...
-the adults don't have to be so serious at church (example: Grant Boone in Flag pants singing and dancing)
-each class gets to go and play games in the gym every night
-there is much more glitter, glue and sparkles to each craft
-kids are encouraged to be loud
-193 kids get to eat sugar each night
-each kid gets to be a kid and each adult can be a kid too!

Thank you God for all the volunteers and children at VBS. Thank you for the fun, the goodies and the great crafts all in Your Name. Please help us to touch lives. Amen

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Tonite we held the first of what I pray is many times of fellowship with our new Bible Class. After two weeks of services truly centered around His Table, I am reminded of some of my favorite communion experiences that had nothing to do with a formal in the auditorium type of communion.

Some of my fondest informal communion times are:
Meals with my family
Ice Cream Suppers at Minter Lane
Holiday and Vacation meals with the Robinsons
Any meal eaten on the Hafer's boat

My favorite times around His table invovle the following foods:
My Grandma's pie, red velvet cake, biscuits or squash casserole
Jelly pancakes by my mother-in-law
My mom's stewed tomatoes
My dad's grilled out chicken
Steaks or waffles by my husband
My sisters hominy or runny pie
Green chili by Great Scottye
Miranda's lemon bars
MeMe's dump cake
PaPa's enchiladas
Chicken Madrid by Roberta Robinson
Karene Neills Cheesy Noodle Bake
Julie Folwell's salads or anything off her baking stone
Joline Gash's apple torte
Amy Batchelor's chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
Cindy Randoph's taco salad
Breadsticks by Martha King
Salad Dressing by Susan King
Nancy Etchison's rolls
Roast beef and veggies from Laurie Lott's crockpot
Leigh Ann Heil's enchiladas and alfredo sauce
"Market Place" meal at Highland (especially the bread)
Any dessert pizza by Wendy Kilmer
Homemade pasta and sauce by Cheryl Lemmons (yes, she does make the pasta)
Any meal prepared by Craig and Shellie Smyser

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to celebrate you with food and fellowship. Please bless all those whose gift is hospitality!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Hannah and Her Sisters

Today I received a phone call that Kyla Faith Flanagan entered the world. Kyla is welcomed by many prayers and much anticipation and a big sister named Hannah here in Abilene. Kyla also has a sister, Bailey Brooke in heaven.

Hannah will be a tremendous oldest sister to Kyla. She is almost five, loves babies and can really be a help to mommy and daddy. Hannah is also a great sister to Bailey by the loving manner in which she kissed her at the hospital and let mommy and daddy be away to take care of her. Hannah and Bailey shared the same hair. Who know what God has planned for Hannah and Kyla, but all of us cannot wait to see what will happen as these two little girls become women of God--but I bet Bailey has a good idea (seeing she is up there with God and has all the inside info).

Dear Father,

Thank you for the safe arrival of Kyla. Thank you for Hannah and her sisters. We know you have angels to watch over them and plans for them that we cannot even imagine. We are proud of this family.


Sunday, July 04, 2004

Let Freedom Ring

Happy Fourth of July! I know I am blessed to have been born in the USA. I know I am fortunate to be a woman in America. I love America! This day I decked my family in red, white and blue and we proudly flew our flag--but why did it take me by surprise when someone in church said thank you God for the real freedom we have gained through Jesus Christ??!!

As odd as it sounds, I have always grimaced when someone talked of our forefather's religious intent, about being God's nation and when patriotic songs were sang in the assembly. When I read the writings of our founders, I do not see God's hand in the forefront. I do not think America is God's nation or that we follow his directives and are therefore superior. And although I do not think (with a few rare exceptions) that most hymns about America really put praising God above nationalism. Now don't get me wrong, I love "God Bless America" and "God Bless the USA" can move me greatly and are inspirational, but in my mind have no place in a worship service. But celebrating our freedom in Christ--now that makes me love the 4th of July in a new way.

Happy Birthday USA, but in my soul I am celebrating in a new way--remembering that the freedom that Jesus gave to me--the freedom from sin is the best reason to celebrate my independence. The other stuff is just the icing on the cake!

Friday, July 02, 2004

Sacred Places

Check out Mike Cope's Blogspot and conjure up your own list (

My Sacred Places are:
-Vacation with my family
-The Highland Nursery
-The dinner table with friends
-The Outer Banks
-Long fellowships with my Life Team
-Cafe Provencal with my husband
-The snuggle time right before my kids' bedtimes
-A meal at Grandma's
-Coffee with Clem or Karene
-Swimming with mom and dad, sister and family
-Late night singing at the Pepperdine Lectures
-Lunch with Linda, Susan, Betty and the Other Susan
-Breakfast when Paul cooks
-Psalms and prayer time at FaithWorks